Flu Vaccines
Flu vaccines are well underway at Mahara Health. Please be aware that you cannot have a flu vaccine within 2 weeks of having a COVID vaccine.
Book for your flu vaccine with the reception team.
Covid Vaccines
You will be advised once these are available.
Staff Updates:
New administration staff, please welcome Natasha (Tash) Warren who will be working on Tuesday's and as required.
New doctors
Mahara Health welcomed Dr Anne Solomon in March this year and we welcome another female Doctor joining us in August 2021 Dr Tahra Reynolds.
It's a baby
Nurse Katie leaves us to go on maternity leave in June, we wish her well for the birth of her new family member and will look forward to her return next year. Taking her place is a familiar face to Mahara Health Nurse Karen Lamb who has been our casual nurse for the past few years, she will work Monday and Thursdays.
Patient Survey Results
Results of the recent patient survey have been received.
Higher waiting room chairs - chair lifters installed
Waiting for an appointment/Booking times are too slow – Admin staff to advise of wait times. Increase in Doctors should help with booking appointments in an appropriate time frame. You can help us by asking for a longer appointment if you have more than 1-2 problems
Advice on how to manage chronic conditions – Discussed with the clinical team, we are looking at shared medical appointments to help with patients to manage their own health.
Reasonable time frame for specialist treatment- We hope that you see a specialist in an appropriate timeframe.
Being able to see the same GP every time – All our doctors work part-time but if you want to see the same GP please request at the time of booking an appointment.
Too Many Notices on the wall – we agree and will look to see how we can make these a lot more appealing.
More time and interaction with the patients – The doctors would love to be able to spend more time with the patients. You can always book a double appointment if you have quite a few issues to discuss.
Additional Explanation of condition – The clinical lead will discuss this in a clinical team meeting to how meet the needs of the patients.
On a Positive Note: YOU SAID
· Excellent Health Care Service
· All my needs were meet
· I was treated well and never unfairly
· Mahara Health are fabulous
· Nurse was prompt and professional
· My doctor was interested in my research and is going to follow up
· Got the answers I was looking for.
We want to keep you safe as well as the staff of Mahara Health, if you have been in contact with someone with Covid 19 please do not enter the medical practice please phone Mahara Health and ask to talk with a practice nurse.
Acute Appointments
If you are unwell and need an urgent/same day appointment please ring Mahara Health 04 9081000 at 8.00am in the morning where you will be put on a triage list, one of the clinical team will ring and discuss your problem, this may be sorted on the phone and you may not need to attend the practice.
Best wishes,
The Mahara Health team